Data Types and Field Types in Salesforce

Data Type and Field Type in Salesforce
Data Type and Field Type in Salesforce

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about different types of Data types in Salesforce and Field types in Salesforce.

Every field should belong to one of the Data types which means before creating any of the fields there data type must be defined.

Generally, there are 5 types of Data Types.

  1. ID
  2. String
  3. Boolean
  4. Double
  5. Varies by types

Data Type in Salesforce

IDIt is basically a unique alphanumeric string in the organization which can be uniquely identified. This string can not be used again to associate with another record.
StringThe string is a sequence of characters.
BooleanThe boolean data type is used to store two possible values either TRUE or FALSE.
DoubleThe double data type is used to store floating point data like any currency conversion rate etc.
Varies by TypeThis kind of data type can change their type as per the results like the Formula field.
Data Types in Salesforce

Field Types in Salesforce

Auto NumberWhen the data type of any field is selected as an Auto Number then the system will automatically generate the sequence number that uses a certain display format that we define. Auto-generated numbers will increase automatically for every record we create.
FormulaThe formula field is used to derive the values on the bases of different expressions. The result of the expression will store in the Formula Field. The formula field will update every time whenever there is a change in the source field. It is a read-only field
Roll-Up SummaryRoll-up summaries are the fields by which we can make a mathematical calculation like Sum, Min, Max, and Count values of all the related fields on the parent record. This field is also read-only.
Lookup RelationshipThis data type links two objects. We can link one object to another object by lookup the relationship. Users can select any record created in the other object. This kind of relationship doesn’t follow the cascade-delete rule.
Master-Detail RelationshipThis field type is also used to create links between two objects, but this creates a special kind of parent-child relationship between the objects means if the parent gets deleted, all child of that object also gets deleted.
CheckboxIf we need functionality to either select TRUE or FALSE, then checkbox data type will use.
CurrencyThe currency data type allows the user to take currency in currency format.
DateAllow the user to enter the date, or the user can select the date from the date picker dialog.
Date/TimeAllow the user to enter the date and time, or the user can select the date & time from the date picker & time picker dialog.
EmailAllows users to enter an email address, which is validated to ensure proper format.
GeolocationAllows users to define locations. Includes latitude and longitude components, and can be used to calculate distance.
NumberAllows users to enter any number. Leading zeros are removed.
PercentAllows users to enter a percentage number, for example, ’10’ and automatically adds the percent sign to the number.
PhoneAllows users to enter any phone number. Automatically formats it as a phone number.
PicklistAllows users to select a value from a list you define.
Picklist (Multi-Select)Allows users to select multiple values from a list you define.
TextAllows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers
Text AreaAllows users to enter up to 255 characters on separate lines
Text Area (Long)Allows users to enter up to 131,072 characters on separate lines
Text Area (Rich)Allows users to enter formatted text, and add images and links. Up to 131,072 characters on separate lines.
Text (Encrypted)Allows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers and store them in encrypted form.
TimeAllows users to enter a local time. For example, “2:40 PM”, “14:40”, “14:40:00”, and “14:40:50.600” are all valid times for this field.
URLAllows users to enter any valid website address. When users click on the field, the URL will open in a separate browser window.
Field Types in Salesforce

All the data in the salesforce must from any of the types which are mentioned above. Whenever we will create a custom object in Salesforce, we will use to create field from one of the above type.

I hope you like this tutorial and if you want any help let me know in the comment section.

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About the Author

Shubham Agarwal is a passionate and technical-driven professional with 5+ years of experience in multiple domains like Salesforce, and iOS Mobile Application Development. He also provides training in both domains, So if you looking for someone to provide you with a basic to advance understanding of any of the domains feel free to contact him

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